Oriel Machno Artist Residency

May 2024

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund

As part of the public programme for AM10, we worked in partnership with venues to develop a series of projects with communities. These were realised in response to the themes and ideas present in the practice and works on display from each of the seven artists. The projects took multiple forms while communities also contributed to our podcast series and the production of interpretative labels shown in the galleries.

Credit: Oriel Machno, sharing event - 26.05.24 Photo: Mark McNulty

Credit: Oriel Machno, Opening event and Taloi Havini screening - 18.05.24 Photo: Mark McNulty





Gweni Llwyd was artist in residence at Oriel Machno in Penmachno, North Wales from 18-27 May 2024 developing a new body of work and leading a series of local workshop events. For AM10, artist Taloi Havini’s work was presented at Mostyn, Llandudno which provided the starting point for the residency by Llwyd, drawing on themes and histories shared between the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and North Wales. Llwyd developed research connected to land use, examining notions surrounding extraction and reclamation, collective memory and imagination, and different scales of time while she also hosted creative workshop activities and sharing events for the surrounding local communities. Activities included a printmaking workshop, sound recording workshop, photography and drone workshop as well as a short film screening and talk.


Gweni Llwyd is an artist who works across tactile and digital realms through moving image, drawing and installation. Llwyd’s work playfully weaves together personal, collective and more-than-human experiences, drawing attention to how all of life is a part of a messy shared metabolism.

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