Our work

Credit: Carrie Mae Weems. From RESIST COVID TAKE 6! 2020. Public art campaign. Courtesy the artist and Social Studies 101 in association with THE OFFICE performing arts + film. Photography: Polly Thomas

While best known for the biennial exhibition and its associated prizes, as an organisation Artes Mundi is actively engaged in a broader programme of activities and events. In addition to these we also produce and present a series of collaborations, other projects, commissions and co-creative work, often developed in partnership with museums, galleries, communities and other cultural organisations throughout Wales and the UK.


As a series of interdependent threads these weave together to create meaning with and through our extensive range of ongoing public programming and community outreach, each informing the other.

Our Work


Our biennial exhibition is at the core of what we do, with artists selected through a global nomination call

Our Work


Explore our prizes, creating legacies for artists and for the National Collection of Wales

Our Work


Projects that bridge between forms, bringing art, audiences and participants together