BSL Exhibition Tour: Carolina Caycedo
Oriel Davies Gallery
The Park
SY16 2NZ
20 February 2024
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Free, booking essential
To book:
Email: desk@orieldavies.org
Call: 01686 625041
Artes Mundi is partnering with Our Visual World network in Swansea to deliver a BSL tour of the Artes Mundi 10 presentation at Oriel Davies, led by a professionally trained Deaf artist guide, and supported by a BSL interpreter.
Includes sensory and an tactile pieces.
If you would like to request any access support or to contact us with any questions, please email letty.clarke@artesmundi.org
Carolina Caycedo (b 1978, London) is a Colombian multidisciplinary artist living in Los Angeles. Her immense geographic multi media works are not merely art objects but gateways into larger discussions about how we treat each other and the world around us. Through her studio practice and fieldwork with communities impacted by large-scale infrastructure and other extraction projects, she invites viewers to consider the unsustainable pace of growth under capitalism and how we might embrace resistance and solidarity. Process and participation are central to Caycedo’s practice, and she contributes to the reconstruction of environmental and historical memory as a fundamental space for climate and social justice. Informed by Indigenous and feminist epistemologies, she confronts the role of the colonial gaze in the privatisation and dispossession of land and water.