Valleys Kids

September 2023 – April 2024

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund 

As part of the public programme for AM10, we worked in partnership with venues to develop a series of projects with communities. These were realised in response to the themes and ideas present in the practice and works on display from each of the seven artists. The projects took multiple forms while communities also contributed to our podcast series and the production of interpretative labels shown in the galleries. 

Credit: Valleys Kids exhibition, 06.02.24. Photography: Polly Thomas

Credit: Valleys Kids exhibition, 06.02.24. Photography: Polly Thomas





Valleys Kids responded to Alia Farid’s work and collaborated with artists Menna Buss and Rebecca Wyn Kelly on the production of new works that were presented in Explore, an exhibition at The Factory in Porth in early February 2024. Valleys Kids also held a joint workshop and exhibition opening with members of the Threads group from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery on 6 February. As well as these research visits and public events, this project involved 16 participants and comprised five workshops, four interviews for inclusion in podcasts, a text produced as a ‘para-label’, and two exchange visits. 

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