Audio Description Tour: Carrie Mae Weems
Join Artes Mundi and audio describer Anne Hornsby for a series of tours of Artes Mundi 9. Designed for Blind and Partially Sighted people, each session will explore a selection of artworks or moments from the Artes Mundi 9 prize-winning artists.
Anne Hornsby is a pioneer of UK Audio Description, having introduced the second audio description service in England to the Octagon Theatre, Bolton, in 1989. She launched Mind’s Eye in 1992 to offer audio description for theatres, galleries, museums, dance, film festivals and online content. She has won two awards for her work and is an accredited trainer. Prior to lockdown, she was audio describing over 100 events a year in addition to offering training on a regular basis.
Carrie Mae Weems is one of the most influential contemporary American artists working today, who for over thirty years has, through her work, investigated and focused on the serious issues that face African Americans, centred on family relationships, cultural identity, sexism, class, political systems, and the consequences of power. More recently she sees her work as speaking beyond the Black experience to encompass the complexity of the broader human experience and social inclusion. While best known for working with photography, her complex and multi-award winning body of work employs images through installation, performance and video, charting a move from the documentary to the creation of staged pictures that construct narratives. She has often used herself within her work, using the constructed image as a vehicle for questioning ideas and as a means to represent images of black communities, especially women, often excluded from mainstream representation. These bodies of photographic work have opened the space for successive generations of other Black women artists.