Severn Rivers Trust and Newly Arrived Families

September 2023 – April 2024

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund

As part of the public programme for AM10, we worked in partnership with venues to develop a series of projects with communities. These were realised in response to the themes and ideas present in the practice and works on display from each of the seven artists. The projects took multiple forms while communities also contributed to our podcast series and the production of interpretative labels shown in the galleries.

Credit: Willow weaving workshop for newly arrived families at Oriel Davies Gallery. Credit: Oriel Davies

Credit: Willow weaving workshop for newly arrived families at Oriel Davies Gallery. Credit: Oriel Davies





We worked with Severn Rivers Trust and artist Nicky Arscott to lead three family days for Newly Arrived Families in Newtown in partnership with Oriel Davies Gallery in response to AM10 artist Carolina Caycedo’s work. The workshops included creating willow woven rafts which were launched at an event on the river Hafren and a visit to the National Museum Cardiff in February 2024. In Cardiff they met with members of Oasis One World Choir and Aurora Trinity Collective. The Newtown-based group is a close and supportive network of families primarily from Syria and Afghanistan, with some members who are Kurdish. This project involved 42 participants and comprised three workshops, a text produced as a ‘para-label’, one exchange visit and one public tour. Also, as well as the public activity on the river, Hafren Choir performed a second event, a public concert of songs inspired by the work of Carolina Caycedo on 2 December in Newtown.

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